Features of Stablecoin Regulation in the European Union

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Regulation of Stablecoins in the European Union

Stablecoins are cryptocurrencies pegged to a specific asset, such as fiat currency, commodities, or a basket of assets. They are considered more stable than other cryptocurrencies and can be used as a means of payment or for storing value. 

In the European Union, the regulation of stablecoins is carried out under the Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) legislative proposal. This proposal was adopted by the European Parliament in July 2022 and is set to come into effect in 2024.

Key Provisions of Regulation

According to MiCA, stable cryptocurrency will be classified as financial instruments and fall under the regulation of the European Union. Stablecoin issuers will be required to obtain a license from the national regulator and comply with a set of requirements, including:

  • Reserve Requirement: Issuers must maintain reserves equal to at least 100% of the issued coins. Reserves can be held in the form of fiat currencies, commodities, or other assets.
  • Liquidity: Issuers must ensure sufficient liquidity of their reserves to meet redemption requests from stablecoin holders at any given time.
  • Risk Management: Issuers must develop and implement a system that takes into account the risks associated with the issuance and circulation of stable crypto assets.
  • Investor Protection: Issuers must ensure investor protection, including providing information about cryptocurrency and their issuers.
  • Financial Stability: The regulation aims to contribute to stability since crypto assets can be used as alternative means of payment.
  • Development of the Stablecoin Market: Regulation is intended to foster the development of the cryptocurrency market in the EU by creating a more transparent and predictable environment.

MiCA also includes measures to combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism. In particular, stablecoin issuers will be required to comply with customer identification and reliability checks.

Assessment of Regulation

Regulation of stablecoins in the European Union is among the strictest worldwide. Its purpose is to ensure investor protection, financial stability, and foster market development within the EU.

However, some experts express concerns that the regulation might be too stringent and could impede the growth of the cryptocurrency market in the EU. On the other hand, other experts argue that regulation is necessary to ensure safety and reliability.


Regulation of stablecoins in the EU is actively discussed and evolving. EU authorities are making every effort to ensure safety and stability in this rapidly developing sector. However, information may change, as cryptocurrency regulation is a dynamic field. Therefore, it is always important to stay updated on the latest news and legislative changes.

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